Favorite color: Blue and orange
Favorite TV show: Glee
Languages: English and learning Latin
Favorite word: "incredibly"
Random facts: Loves drawing, laughs, illustrating/writing a
manga comic/light novel with Vyrtilomon and
Itachi-chan, hates Science, loves pie.
Fanfiction link: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2805045/kitsunegirl101
Favorite color: Green
Favorite anime: Hetalia: Axis Powers
Languages: English and learning Latin
Favorite word/phrase: Pi-piru-piru-pi-piru-pi!
Random facts: Awesome writer, pessimistic,
loves History, writing a manga comic/light novel
with Kitsune Girl and Itachi-chan.
Fanfiction link: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/2514230/

Favorite color: Purple
Favorite TV show: Don't watch TV...
Languages: English, Chinese, and learning Spanish
Favorite word: ?
Random facts: Believes in subjective reality,
loves Taylor Swift, plays violin, super smart.